Lanka Patuna

Lanka Putuna Viharaya in Trincomalee is one of the oldest Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka. It dates back to the time it was brought to Sri Lanka during the reign of King Kirthi Sri Meghawanna (303-331). The Dalada was brought to Sri Lanka by princess Hemamala and her husband prince Dantha. They landed in Sri Lanka at the port of Lankapattuna (now Ilankaturei) where the oldest temple was Samudragiri Viharaya.

Lanka Patuna, Sri Lanka

Lanka Patuna - Sri Lanka

The Bridge, destroyed by the LTTE.


According to Sri Lankan legends, after the Buddha attained parinibbana, his body was cremated in a sandalwood pyre at Kusinara in India. Some tooth retrieved from the funeral pyre and Drona Brahmin was involved to distribute these relics among suitable people.
This legend about left canine tooth (“Wama dalada wahanse”(sinhala)).  It gave to King Brahmadatte (483) by Arahat Khema for veneration. It became a royal possession in Brahmadatte’s country.
In 3rd century Guhaseewa was the King. The king believed the words of foolish group (“Niganta” (sinhala)) of people and stop worship of tooth (“Dalada wahanse”(Sinhala)). But, due to describe of Buddhist people in region, King Guhaseewa had become a Buddhist and started to worship the Tooth. But, that group of people (“niganta”) tried to stop this. They went to King Paandawa and said that King Guhaseeva had stopped believing in god and that he had started to worship a tooth.
King Paandawa decided to destroy the tooth, and ordered to it brought to the city. It is said that, as the tooth arrived at the city, a miracle occurred, and King Paandawa converted to Buddhism.
When King Beeradhara heard about tooth relic, he went with his army to attack King Paandawa in the city. But, King Paandawa was Won and King Beeradhara failed in War.
The son of  King Udeni, Prince Dantha from the city of Kalinga, who had become a Buddhist and came to worship the sacred tooth. King Guhaseeva was pleased with him, and let him marry his daughter princess Hemamala.
In 2nd time also, Sons in low of King Beeradhara had attacked for the tooth relic. They raised a large army to attack King Guhaseeva and fight for the tooth relic. They entered the city, but King Guhaseeva secretly sent  Dantha and Hemamala out of the city, with the relic. King Guhaseewa was died in the war.

Prince Dantha and Princess Hemamala

According to legend, Princess Hemamala hid the relic in her hair ornament and the royal couple disguised themselves as Brahmins in order to avoid discovery. They set sail from Thamralipta, a port at the mouth of the river Ganges, and landed in Sri Lanka at the port of Lankapattuna (now Ilankaturei).
 When they came to Sri Lanka Keerthi Sri Megawanna was the King, the son of King Mahasen. King Keerthi Sri Megawanna was build a tooth of temple in Anuradhapura for the tooth relic. When, the time of King Wimaladharmasuriya, made the tooth of temple in Kandy.
The Lord Buddha had said that the religion will be safe in Sri Lanka for 2500 years. So, the Sri Lanka was chosen as the new safety place for the tooth relic.

Since ancient times, the relic has played an important role in local politics because it is believed that whoever holds the relic holds the governance of the country. Kandy was the last capital of the Sri Lankan kings.

Dalada Maligawa- Kandy, Sri lanka

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